The story

I had a friend who I helped sell equipment for his food industry business. During the sales process, I had quite a few bad experiences with brokers. Lots of money for nothing.
One time, a dealer even threatened to sue me after I registered accidentally on his misleading website.
That's when I decided to create my own trading site that would be free or very low-cost to use, and would genuinely serve the interests of buyers and sellers.
That's how MAXINA was born.

Picture of founder
Zoltán Fekete, founder of MAXINA


  • Q: Why is MAXINA free?
    A: MAXINA is free because I want to help people sell or find their equipment without having to pay a lot of money.
  • Q: OK, but how do you make money to run the site?
    A: I have enough money to run the site for about a year, until the end of 2025. Plus, users can donate via PayPal.
    If donations don't cover the costs, I'll charge a small fee for advertisements.
  • Q: Why is the site so simple?
    A: I'm the sole developer of the site, and I'm not a designer.
    I'm trying to keep the site as simple as possible, but constructive feedback is always welcome.